This research was conducted because the researcher wants to find out if there's a significant effect of using Spotify podcasts on increasing student's listening skills
My thesis aims to determine the effect of using Word Wall Website on students' ability in reading narrative text. This research uses quantitative methods, namely Quasi-Experimental Design which use…
"Academic achievement is the final grade obtained by students in each semester which shows the success they have achieved. Procrastination does not only mean delaying work, but also includes psycho…
"Student engagement in English learning is an important aspect of academic success. Positive relationships between teachers and students can play a key role in enhancing this engagement. This resea…
penelitian ini dilakukan di STKIPPGRI TRENGGALEK
Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMKN 1 Trenggalek,dengan subject kelas 10 TITL,dengan menggunakan metode quantitative research
Penelitian skripsi diatas berfokus pada pengembangan media pembelajaran untuk pendampingan materi narrative text kelas X siswa SMK di SMK Negeri 1 Trenggalek menggunakan RnD (Research and Developme…
This thesis is titled "The Impact of Using the 'Round Robin' Sentence-Building Game on Speaking Achievement in the 11th Grade at SMK Negeri 2 Trenggalek." This research aims to determine whether th…
"In modern education, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in supporting learning. ChatGPT, an AI language model by OpenAI, assists academic writing by generating ideas, checking gramm…
"Vocabulary acquisition is a fundamental aspect of language learning that has a significant impact on various linguistic skills, including translation. In the context of translation, a rich and dee…