"Title: Investigating Artificial Intelligence in Education Utilization Trends of
English as a Foreign Language Learners in Higher Education. By: Ibnu Khozin,
N.P.M: 2088203010. Department: English Language Education Department,
STKIP PGRI Trenggalek.
Keywords: AIED (Artificial Intelligence in Education), Trend, Utilization, English
Foreign Language.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various aspects of human life,
including teaching and learning in higher education. AI technology is widely used
in teaching and English language learning. The field of Artificial Intelligence in
Education (AIEd) focuses on developing computers capable of performing
cognitive functions like learning and problem-solving. This has enabled innovative
instructional design, technological advancement, and educational research that
would otherwise be unattainable within conventional frameworks.
The research was aimed to find out and describe the Artificial Intellegence
in Education Utilization Trends of English as a Foreign Language Learners in
Higher Education. The research used quantitative focuse on survey research design.
Survey research refers to a particular type of research design where the primary
method of data collection is by survey. In this study design, surveys are used as a
tool by researchers to gain a greater understanding about individual or group
perspectives relative to a particular concept or topic of interest. The research
involved the 2
nd – 8
th semester students of English Language Education Department
of STKIP PGRI Trenggalek in 2023/2024 academic year as subject. The research
instruments was questionnaires. Questionnaire data was analyzed in quantitative
way. The result of students’ questionnaires with score of 10623. It means, the
respondent agree with the statement in the questionnaire. Then, the findings of the
Artificial Intellegence in Education Utilization Trends of English as a Foreign
Language Learners in Higher Education based on data is Chat GPT, a total of 78%
with a score of 1104. This proves that the trend of using AI in English foreign
language learners is Chat GPT.
In conclusion, based on the finding of the research explained above. The
Artificial Intellegence in Education Utilization Trends of English as a Foreign
Language Learners in Higher Education is Chat GPT. Further, it has been able to
achieve the objective of the research which is to find out and describe the Artificial
Intellegence in Education Utilization Trends. Moreover, given the findings,
discussions, and conclusion elaborated above, it is suggested for Foreign Language
Learners, lectures is expected to be a reference for lectures regarding Artificial
Intellegence in Education Utilization Trends of English as a Foreign Language
Learners in Higher Education and to know the impact of the use of Artificial
Intellegence and as an evaluation in learning process., and other researchers may
find benefits of this research.
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